Copyright FAQs
Do you hold the copyrights to your images?
Yes. All works of art within this website are protected under U.S. copyright laws and international conventions. No portion of the artists works or statements may be used, copied, or transferred electronically, without prior written permission from the artist.
Do you have terms of use for your images?
Yes. The images (artworks) that appear on this site may not be removed from this site, may not be displayed anywhere else on the internet, may not be downloaded, and may not be copied or modified in any way.
Can I use your images for my project?
Only if you have prior written permission from the artist. If you see this work being used on any other website please let us know by sending an email. Thanks!
What if I buy one of your images, then can I use it for my project?
No. When you purchase an image, you are only purchasing the item - not the rights to reproduce it. Modifying or reproducing copyrighted artwork is considered copyright infringement and it is illegal.
What is copyright infringement?
With artwork, copyright infringement usually means that copyrighted artwork has been displayed, modified, distributed, or reproduced, without permission from the artist (or copyright owner).
I have changed one of your images quite a bit with a graphics program, now can I use this "new" image?
No. As stated above, modifying copyrighted artwork is considered copyright infringement and it is illegal.
What if I am not selling them, then is it okay to use your images?
No. It is illegal to use copyrighted images, even if it is not for profit.
Can I use your images if I include your copyright statement with each image?
No. Images can not be used without prior written permission from the artist.
I saw your images on another site without a copyright notice, can I use those images?
No. An image does not have to have a copyright notice or symbol displayed with it in order to be copyrighted.
What happens if I get caught using copyrighted work?
You will be required to stop all illegal activities, your website may be temporarily or permanently disabled, you may be sued, fined and/or sentenced to several years in jail.
Remember most artwork is copyrighted, even if you can't see a copyright notice. So if you are not 100% sure that you have permission, don't use it!