Group show at the Warburton Galerie
Opening: Saturday, Oct. 12th, 6-9pm
16 Warburton Ave, Yonkers, NY 10701
Featured Artists: Jose Antonio Arvelo, Sergio Barrale, Haifa Bint-Kadi,
Demetrio Belenky, Shane Bullock, Denise Dmochowski, Aljoscha
Farassat, Karen Gentile, Jerry Gallo, Gray & Johnson Art, Miriam
Hendel, Amanda Ioco, Marianne McGinnis, Mike McManus, Raisa
Nosova, Android Oi, Jennifer Persad, Richard Pitts, Marcy Rosenblat, Bill
Ross, Maria Luisa Tamara DeSantis, Austin Thomas, Joel Werring,
Alexis Wheeler, Richard White, Roddy Wildeman & Josef Zutelgte
Free + Open to the Public
Light refreshments will be served
The exhibition is on view through Saturday, Dec. 14th, 2019